Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ski Hill Hike

So mom and Miss Cory took us kids on a hike up to Ski Hill in Leavenworth. It took forever! At one point I was pretty sure we were lost; mom had us hiking down steep hills on deer trails! Finally, she gave in and said we could come back the way we started. My mom sure can be stubborn, though. What could have been a leisurely one hour hike turned into a three hour adventure! At least we got to have a late lunch at McDonald's afterwords =)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to School

We started school today!  I get to be in Ms. Griggs' 5th grade class, and Maeghan has Mrs. Thomas, my teacher from last year.  It was really fun to see our friends again too!  Here is a picture of me with my teacher; Maeghan with her friend, Carson; me with my friends, Ashley & Lily; and Maeghan with Lauren, who is in her class and on her soccer team too!  We were really excited to see everyone =)